Prof. Dr. Filiz Namdar Pekiner ve Doç. Dr. Gaye Keser Bahçeşehir Dişhekimliği Fakültesi'nde düzenlenen 75. Uluslararası Öğrenci Birliği Kongresi'nde "Yapay Zeka ve Dişhekimliği Uygulamaları" konulu eğitim vermişlerdir.
The IADS 71st Mid-Year Meeting 2025
12th-17th February 20025, İstanbul-TÜRKİYE
Prof. Dr. Filiz Namdar Pekiner
Assoc. Prof. Gaye Sezgin Keser
Artificial intelligence applications are coming to the fore in the health sector, especially with the serial developments in diagnostics and radiology. One of the most promising points in this respect is the application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging, including image processing and interpretation.
With this course, we aim to make dentists aware of the concept of artificial intelligence and to introduce them to the applications of artificial intelligence in dentistry. Thanks to the artificial intelligence-based platform of CranioCatch, which is included in the course content, dentists will benefit from digital dental radiology training where they can improve themselves in the field of radiology.
The course programme will cover artificial intelligence and its history, introduce artificial intelligence applications in dentistry, and then, using CranioCatch, participants will have the experience of labelling anatomical and pathological formations on dental radiographs.